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FerienKinderUni: "Garden Research Workshop

What do dirty hands have to do with the world? The children explore how lettuce gets onto their plates, what it takes to harvest carrots and what people elsewhere grow in their gardens. The young researchers and explorers work under expert guidance, equipped with research materials and all their senses. With the help of experiments, practical exercises, creative tasks, stories and games, they follow the traces of the garden plants and the ideas of the gardeners behind them. The children decide democratically how the program should be adapted according to their wishes.

What is a garden? On Monday, the children focus on the diversity of gardens: plants, animals, species and varieties. They ask what people and especially children want from a garden: delicious food or a playground, a home for animals or the fresh supply of herbs, a place to rest, meet friends or romp? You'll explore home gardens in the greenhouse and outside in the neighborhood. They learn about the variety of seeds and make small garden treats.

What is ready to harvest in the garden now and what do they not find there but love to eat?  This question is the focus on Tuesday. Young explorers will embark on a vegetable world tour, follow food as it travels around the world, hunt for regional and delicious seasonal food, and even try their hand at turning a plant into popcorn.

On Wednesday, the little gardeners will go on a vegetable time travel in the teaching and learning garden. What did people in Germany actually eat 5000 years ago and what will we eat in the future? The children explore how people from different countries have contributed to the diversity of our food today. They look at the amount of land used for meals and distributive justice. Of course, they also get to sow their own vegetables.

On Thursday, the children think about what their personal dream garden should look like and build a model of it. With a hut, a place to sleep or a chicken coop, with vegetables and fruit or with lots of space to play and hide, with or without a fence? Where does the water in the garden come from and does it also need electricity? There is a lot to think about and then skillfully implement.

Friday is all about sustainability: Is my dream garden good for the environment, people and animals? What can and what do I want to change so that everyone feels good for a long time to come? The children work changes into their mini dream gardens right away. Of course, proper care of garden tools is also part of a sustainable garden. So there's a lot to do!

To keep up with the strenuous work, there is a communal breakfast break. At the moment we expect to harvest, prepare and enjoy a "garden meal" together. 

With the agricultural engineer Ines Fehrmann and the student Tony Lindenau.

Monday, July 25 through Friday, July 29, 2022 (Passage I) and
Monday, August 1 through Friday, August 5, 2022 (Passage II).

9 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. each day

Age:                       8 - 12 years
Number:              max. 15 children
Location:                            Tropical Greenhouse of the Univer 2022
Tel: 05542-72812, 
Cost:              80 €/child incl. material
Children should wear durable and weather appropriate clothing.

Note: Subject to all permits - in compliance with applicable hygiene regulations . Please note that we have to react flexibly to current regulations and requirements!


Ge­wächs­haus für tro­pi­sche Nutz­pflan­zen

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