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Ouroboros - Live 3D printing in the knowledge store
"Ouroboros" is a digital tool for developing products that are 3D printed with large nozzles. In order to avoid the messy surfaces that occur during deposition and attachment, Ouroboros merges all the individual print paths into one large print path. Just like Santa's house. This results in five times shorter printing times and a beautiful, even surface with a special texture and feel. This makes the 3D printer a practical tool for small series production, such as the coat rack shown in "Wissensspeicher".
Project #68 Ouroboros
Knowledge repository - an exhibition with 100 ideas from the University of Kassel for a more sustainable future, realized by UniKasselTransfer and Raamwerk
Königsgalerie, Neue Fahrt 12 (entrance Florentiner Platz), 34117 Kassel.
Admission is free of charge.
Further information can be found at: