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For the 7th Hessian Sustainability Day "Dragons of Inaction": Which dragon is holding you back from protecting the environment and how you can defeat it - take the self-test!

Our minds are often subject to the "Dragons of Inaction": 36 different types of these beasts have already been discovered and more are lurking in the depths of our psyche. They embody psychological barriers that consciously or unconsciously influence our decisions.
We want to help you find out which dragons prevent you from acting and give you tips on how to defeat your dragons.
September 29, 2022, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Königsgalerie, Ob. Königsstraße 39, 34117 Kassel (entrance Florentiner Platz). With the kind support of the Königsgalerie Kassel, whose premises can be used.
Campaign for the 7th Hessian Sustainability Day
Watch out! Among all the brave environmentalists who face their dragons, we are giving away vouchers from the happy Bergschweinchen (restaurant), Karibu (world store) and Nachfüllbar (unpackaged store) here in Kassel. So it's worth taking part!