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Categories as a basic building block of anti-discrimination law

with Prof. Dr. Bengiz Barskarnmaz (University of Applied Sciences Fulda)

A lecture event in the context of the winter semester program 2022/23 of the Research Network for Social Law and Social Policy(FoSS), lecture series Migration, Gender and Social Practice, in cooperation with CeSSt at Fulda University of Applied Sciences.

The lecture will take categorial thinking in transnationally shaped anti-discrimination law as a starting point to reflect on this for empirical legal and social research. The focus will be on how the categories of "gender," "race," "color," "ethnicity," "disability," and "class" should continue to retain their legal, theoretical, and practical relevance to the issues of diversity and migration.


The event will be held hybrid. You will receive the link for online registration after registering at nathalie.rothe[at]gw.hs-fulda[dot]de.

Further information:
For­schungs­ver­bund So­zi­al­recht und So­zi­al­po­li­tik(FoSS)
FoSS Program Winter Semester 2022/23

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