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Co-determination and just ecological transformation

with Dr. Johanna Wenckebach (Hugo Sinzheimer Institute for Labor Law (HSI) of the Hans Böckler Foundation)

Co-determination as democracy in the workplace is one of the central promises of the social market economy. What is the state of co-determination today? The lecture is dedicated to the question why democracy in the workplace is of importance especially in times of ecological transformation and how it can be strengthened.


The event will take place hybrid. You will receive the link for online registration after registering at nathalie.rothe[at]gw.hs-fulda[dot]de.

More information:
For­schungs­ver­bund So­zi­al­recht und So­zi­al­po­li­tik(FoSS)
FoSS program winter semester 2022/23

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