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ABSAGE Exhibition opening: "Design with voids".
Exhibition opening "Entwurf mit Leerstellen. Women in Architecture - Urban Planning - Landscape Planning"
Equal opportunities and self-determination are part of the GhK's founding myth. However, in terms of the lack of women's participation, the university initially differed little from other universities. Nevertheless, students, secretaries and staff members immediately and continuously campaigned for a greater proportion of women in teaching and research, for fair working conditions and equal architecture and planning. The exhibition meets the "gaps" in previous historiography, the design of society, architecture and planning with a documentation of projects and initiatives that have been handed down in the doku:lab, the documentation and media workshop of the department.
We would be pleased if you would take the opportunity, after an introduction and a first tour through the exhibition, to join us in an open discussion about the past, present and perspectives of women in architecture and planning.
6 p.m. Welcoming address
Prof. Dr. Uwe Altrock (Dean of the Faculty)
18:15 Introduction to the concept of the exhibition with the possibility of a guided tour
Dr. Wiebke Reinert (FG Urban Renewal and Planning Theory), Curator
7 pm Past and Perspectives of Women in Architecture and Planning
Open discussion with the curator
Moderation: Uwe Altrock
Introductory statements:
Heidrun Hubenthal (FOPA e.V.)
Prof. i.R. Ingrid Lübke (FG Urban Development and Urban Management)
The exhibition will be on display in the foyer of the new ASL building until February 2, 2023.
Foyer ASL-Neubau
Universitätsplatz 9
34127 Kassel
Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Admission is free.
The Kasseler Modell 1973-2023
50 Jahre Architektur - Cityplanung - Countryschaftsplanung at the University Kassel
In 1973, the new Gesamthochschule Kassel initiated the reform courses of study in architecture, urban planning and landscape planning. The "Kassel Model" challenged outdated pedagogical concepts, institutional structures and subject content. It pursued a strong social agenda and rethought the relationship between science, planning and society. The appointment of young, innovative university professors underpinned the spirit of departure in terms of personnel as well. Kassel distinguished itself in the German university landscape as a radical educational experiment, from which numerous professional innovations emanated in the years that followed, which had a lasting influence on the disciplines. Even then, many topics were initiated that have taken on a new urgency today in light of climate change and the Anthropocene. The department is taking its 50th anniversary as an opportunity to look back on its own history with critical research in a series of exhibitions and to ask itself what relevance the experiments of that time have for us today.