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In-service training for teachers: "No, I'm not really interested in the Bible!

"No, the Bible doesn't interest me that much! Every religion teacher knows these or similar sentences well. Not infrequently, they are accompanied by demotivation, unwillingness, ridicule and doubt on the part of the students, which in turn confronts us with various questions and challenges in the context of our lesson planning:

Do I have to integrate the Bible into the lesson at all? And if so, what is the best way to do it?
How can I make the abstract texts of the Bible interesting and relevant for students?
How do I establish suitable references to life? and when is this perhaps not useful at all?

In this training, these questions will be explored in a practical way and with a bit of self-irony. In doing so, we will not only look together at typical challenges of religious education and especially the teaching of the Bible, but also at concrete approaches to solutions and ways of dealing with these challenges and avoiding mistakes.
In addition to some general approaches, they will get to know concrete materials and didactic preparations of various topics for different school levels. In addition, with the help of student materials and real teaching videos, a concise presentation of a real teaching unit is given, which was carried out in a middle school and testifies in many ways to a successful integration of the Bible in the classroom.

Practice will not be neglected either; you will have the opportunity to try out the presented approaches directly in short participatory sequences and to present your own ideas, so that in the course of the event a small "pool" of teaching ideas, questions, approaches and materials will emerge that you can use in your own lessons!

Speaker: Julia Drube (University of Kassel)

Registration deadline: 01.03.2023
Registration via website

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