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Training for teachers: How do we want to live together? Playful approaches
Where does discrimination start? How do I recognize racism? How often and where do I encounter prejudice? What kind of attitude does democracy need? When and how can I show civil courage?
These are questions that we encounter again and again in our pedagogical work with groups. We take them up in our workshop series "Games-Learning-Action" and try out games and materials that give good impulses for working with different target groups. We reflect on their use and their transfer into the respective fields of work, such as adult education, school, confirmation classes, work with volunteers.
The materials and playful approaches were developed, among others, by the organizations "Gesicht zeigen! Für ein weltoffenes Deutschland" and "IDA- Informations- und Dokumentationszentrum Antirassismusarbeit".
Direction: Eva-Maria Kohlmann (University of Kassel), Sabine Striether & Paola Fabbri-Lipsch (Center for Ecumenism of the Protestant Church of Hesse and Nassau and the Protestant Church of Kurhessen-Waldeck)
Speakers: Sabine Striether & Paola Fabbri-Lipsch
Registration deadline: 08.03.2023
Registration by e-mail to: schreiber[at]zentrum-oekumene[dot]de