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04/03/2023 | Berichte aus den Bereichen

Successful first research day

On March 22, the Research Day took place at the University of Kassel. Within the university, the research-supporting services presented themselves in the Campus Center, accompanied by lectures and panel discussions on various topics.

Image: University of Kassel.

Writing proposals, drawing up financial plans, managing research data -- all these and more are challenges that all scientists face today, often right after they have completed their doctorate.

scientists face these days, and often right after receiving their doctorate. The University of Kassel now has a comprehensive range of services to help researchers with these things, helping them find the most suitable funding options and prepare the appropriate applications.

At the Research Day, Kassel researchers had the opportunity to learn more about the current requirements and the corresponding supports at the Campus Center at HoPla. Discussion rounds and lectures on various topics were held in the seminar rooms, which met with a lot of interest among the visitors. At "Going Abroad & Being Mobile", three young scientists reported on their experiences abroad and how such stays can also be organized in family constellations. The questions that followed showed how important it is for young researchers to take advantage of opportunities abroad. Afterwards, a panel of professors from various departments exchanged views on how research proposals are reviewed by the DFG and other funding bodies. The audience was able to gain insights into both sides of the review process, as the experts shared their experiences not only as reviewers and review board members, but also as reviewers themselves. They gave tips on what not to leave out of proposals, as well as things to avoid at all costs, and what a strategic path through the process might look like.

Under the title "Equality and Diversity in Research Projects", the following presentation immediately picked up on such tips and showed the audience how these two specific cross-cutting issues are weighted by the various funding organizations. Finally, in "Research Data Management: Between Additional Work & Added Value", a panel of experienced professors from different disciplines shared their knowledge in managing research data, whose immense value is increasingly coming to the fore, also for reasons of sustainability. (More on the topic of research data management and the panel discussion can be found on the blog of Kassel University Library: Research Data Management: Between Additional Work & Added Value - UB-Blog (

At the last program item, "Network Event for (Prospective) Juniors Research Group Leaders," interested postdocs were able to network with researchers who have already successfully recruited a junior research group. The relaxed exchange during the afternoon coffee not only included program-specific tips, but the participants also benefited from the tips, advice and personal experience of the junior research group leaders.

The day was rounded off by a "market of opportunities", where those interested could find out about the various research support offices, such as research and graduate funding, the university library, third-party funding management, the internationalization department and the areas of UniKasselTransfer. In addition, the officers for data protection and equality were represented as well as the research data service and the office of the ethics committee. In addition to supporting the application process and the management of externally funded projects, the range of services thus also covers all the important cross-cutting issues that are becoming increasingly important for successful research activity.

The lectures and discussions were particularly well received by visitors, and the choice of topics struck a chord with many. Likewise, many were surprised by the breadth of support that is already available. Even though such service offerings can be found at more and more universities nationwide, many researchers are still unaware of them. It is therefore all the more important to pick up scientists at the very beginning of their careers and offer them support. It is not without reason that the term "funding jungle" is often used here, and career starters in particular can only benefit from help with orientation.