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FerienKinderUni: "Color Research Workshop
Monday to Thursday (April 3-6) 9:00 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. each day.
The children find out how the red comes into the gummy bears and what makes the curry sausage yellow, they dye fabrics, make paint, get creative. Cooperation of Bildung trifft Entwicklung, Bündnis für Familie and WeltGarten Witzenhausen, with Ines Fehrmann, for children from 8-12 years. 70€/child. 05542/72812. registration until 31 March.
Registration and information
Tropical Greenhouse University of Kassel
Steinstraße 19, 37213 Witzenhausen
Tel: 05542-981231 Email: tropengewaechshaus[at]uni-kassel[dot]de