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Further training for teachers: Rethinking listening comprehension: digital & learning-pace-individualized design of listening and viewing comprehension exercises
The workshop is about a modern and contemporary conceptualization of listening and viewing comprehension exercises. In addition to the audio templates from the textbooks, it is necessary to provide the pupils with authentic material. This can be achieved in lessons by integrating videos, e.g. from the YouTube platform. In the workshop, digital possibilities will be demonstrated with the help of the ed puzzle tool. After a brief excursus on data protection and the didactic basics of listening and visual comprehension as well as conventional task formats, an example from Spanish and French lessons will be used to explain how digital and learner-oriented design of HV tasks can be achieved. Various task formats and their integration in the tool will be explained to participants, as will initial self-experiments in using the tool itself.
Leader: Prof. Dr. Claudia Schlaak (University of Kassel)
Speaker: Jannik Schwebel-Schmitt (teacher, pedagogical assistant)
Registration deadline: 08.05.2023
Registration via the website