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Saving energy: joint action leads to success

Due to the geopolitical situation and the associated cost development in 2022, reducing energy consumption has been a top priority since last summer at the latest. This did not only affect the University of Kassel. Since September 1, the Hessian state government issued a circular aimed at reducing energy consumption in public buildings. The aim was to use at least 15 percent less heating and 5 percent less electricity than in the previous year. On the one hand, the aim was to prevent the threat of a gas shortage during the heating period and, on the other, to keep the additional costs expected as a result of higher energy prices to a minimum. With a bundle of measures, the University of Kassel ultimately succeeded in reducing electricity consumption by 6 percent compared to the average consumption values of previous years.
"I am delighted that the targets set were not only achieved, but even exceeded. This was only possible because everyone acted in solidarity and contributed to this by taking a responsible approach to heating and electricity consumption. I would like to thank all members of the university for this," says Oliver Fromm, Chancellor of the University of Kassel.
The University of Kassel was even more successful than with electricity in reducing heat consumption. Last year, this was 22 percent lower than the average in previous years and exceeded the target set by the Hessian state government by 7 percent. The heat energy consumption is evaluated on a climate-adjusted basis, so that any temperature differences in the years have already been taken into account in the evaluation.
The task now is to build on this successful record. After all, increasing energy efficiency is a key component in the sustainable development of university operations. In 2022, for example, around 1,100 fewer tons of carbon dioxide were emitted than before thanks to reduced energy consumption. Oliver Fromm: "As a sustainable university, we set the course years ago and identified many potential savings on a permanent basis. We are benefiting from this. It is clear that the energy-saving measures have met with broad acceptance and that university operations are not impaired."
Dirk Schnurr
University of Kassel
Energy Efficiency Manager
Building, Technology, Real Estate Department
Phone: +49 561 804-2162
Email: dirk.schnurr[at]uni-kassel[dot]de