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Blind date with the future - regional companies are looking for just you!
Blind Date with the Future - Regional companies are looking for exactly you!
At the "Blind Date with the Future", there is always one person from a company with personnel needs and one person from our Studienzweifel network who want to talk to interested Studienzweifler:innen and Studienabbruch:innen. It is a real blind date, because the invited companies are not known in advance, so that the Studienzweifel:innen get surprising insights, which can also be interesting besides the search for alternatives.
The "Blind Date with the Future" takes place on the last Thursday of the month from 7 p.m. at the Caricatura Bar (Rainer-Dierichs-Platz 1, near the main train station). In July and August it pauses due to the closing of the Caricatura Bar. Registration is not required.