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University of Kassel presents amended research data guideline

Research data includes all information that is generated, processed or used during scientific research, regardless of its form or format. This also includes any software developed in the course of research.
The amended guideline is in line with the university's mission statement and promotes the principles of good scientific practice and open science. This includes compliance with the FAIR principles (findable, accessible, interoperable and re-usable) and the CARE principles (Collective Benefit, Authority to control, Responsibility, Ethics), as well as consideration of subject-specific regulations.
As a supporter of the Data Literacy Charter, the University of Kassel not only regards data literacy as a fundamental prerequisite for scientific work, but also promotes the development of judgment, self-determination and a sense of responsibility in dealing with data. These skills are crucial for participation in educational processes and their design.
The revised guideline explicitly emphasizes the associated scientific and social responsibility and anchors the promotion of data literacy at all levels of education through comprehensive advisory and infrastructure services. The Research Data Service at the University of Kassel is developing these services in close cooperation with regional, national and international networks (regional: HeFDI - Hessian Research Data Infrastructures, national: NFDI - National Research Data Infrastructure, international: including EOSC - European Open Science Cloud and RDA - Research Data Alliance).
Link to the guideline:
E-mail: forschungsdaten[at]uni-kassel[dot]de