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SDG+ Lab: Co-thinking for the future
18.00 to 18.30
Argumented Reality
Co-thinking for the future and uncertainty as a resource. Applied philosophy meets sound performance that invites you to reflect, think along and think deeply. A joint journey of thought.
Manuel Scheidegger (philosopher and founder of Argumented Reality)
Jonas Urbat (tuba electronics soundscapes)
18.30 to 19.30
On the urgency of sustainable development and the role of science and universities
Prof. Dr. Stefan Lechtenböhmer (Kassel Institute for Sustainability, University of Kassel)
19.30 to 20.00
Argumented Reality
Applied philosophy meets sound performance
20.00 to 21.00
Time for talks, drinks, music and forays through the programs of the SDG+ Lab and the SDG+ Observatory
Further information: UniKasselTransfer - SDG+ Lab