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SDG+ Lab: Between sustainable urban development and circular economy - lecture, workshop and exchange
9.00 to 11.00
Impulse and moderated discussion
Theme year: Transformations in town and country
Prof. Dr. Uwe Altrock (Chair of Urban Renewal and Planning Theory, University of Kassel)
Keynote speeches
Alexander Wetzig (Mayor of Ulm i. R.), Prof. Stefan Rettich (Department of Urban Development, University of Kassel) and other representatives of the city of Kassel, the Zweckverband Raum, the district and the University of Kassel.R.),
Prof. Stefan Rettich (Department of Urban Planning, University of Kassel)
and other representatives of the City of Kassel, the Zweckverband Raum, the district and the University of Kassel
11.00 to 13.00
Workshop and exchange
Theme year: Transformations in work and business
Workshop on local approaches and opportunities for the circular economy in the Kassel area
Prof. Dr. Stefan Gold (Chair of Sustainable Management, University of Kassel).
13.00 to 13.45
Wilhelmsstraße 21 - Gläsernes Labor in der Mitte der Stadt
As part of the opening of our new SDG+ Lab premises, we take a look together at the time ahead of us in Wilhelmsstraße.
Further information and registration: UniKasselTransfer - SDG+ Lab