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MINT service meeting for teachers at the University of Kassel
After a welcome from Prof. Dr. Rita Borromeo Ferri and Mr. Philipp Imhof from the State Education Authority, Vice President Prof. Dr. René Matzdorf introduced the session by pointing out the importance of STEM professions for the challenges facing society and emphasizing their regional significance in the current context.
In entertaining presentations, the departments of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering/Computer Science then presented to teachers the wide range of STEM-related activities offered by the university for interested school classes, advanced courses and study groups, which were presented during the MINT Days on February 11 and 12, 2025 will be offered in a bundled form. The presentations were supplemented by Thomas Haubrich from the General Student Advisory Service, who pointed out the various advisory and information servicesoffered by the university for prospective students as well as the plusMINT orientation course.
In an open discussion round, the teachers had the opportunity to find out about individual offers and to talk to each other.
We would like to thank Mr. Imhof from the State Education Authority for the opportunity to present our institution and the possibilities of cooperation to the teachers, as well as the representatives of the departments, Prof. Dr. David-Samuel Di Fuccia, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Bernhard Middendorf, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Niendorf and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Bangert, who made this event possible with their presentations.
Together, we look forward to welcoming the students and their teachers to our laboratories, workshops, lectures and workshops at the university in February.