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12/02/2024 | Pressemitteilung

Campaign promotes new courses with a focus on sustainability

The University of Kassel is launching an advertising campaign in 2025 that focuses on its sustainability focus in teaching and specifically addresses prospective students. The reason for the investment in professional university marketing is the launch of new sustainability-related courses in autumn 2025. With three concise motifs that visualize the reference to ecological, economic and social sustainability, the university is sending a strong message and underlining its commitment to sustainable education and social responsibility. On December 2, the Communications & Marketing Office and the Hamburg-based communications agency Bureau Bald presented the motifs to the public for the first time at Uni:Lokal. An exhibition also provides information about the branding. It can be visited in the Uni:Lokal at Wilhelmsstraße 21 during opening hours (Tues. to Fri. 12.00 to 18.00, Sat. 12.00 to 16.00).

PosterImage: Bureau Soon.
Campaign motif.

The University of Kassel has established itself as a pioneer in the field of sustainability. Innovative degree courses and research initiatives, such as the Kassel Institute for Sustainability or the SDGplus project at Uni:Lokal in Kassel's city center, not only impart knowledge to students, but also offer them the opportunity to actively participate in the transformation. Up to seven new sustainability-related courses will be launched in the winter semester 2025/2026, including the Bachelor's degree courses "Sustainability Studies", "Sustainability Communication" and "Chemistry and Mathematics for Sustainability". All BA courses combine a sound university education in "traditional" subjects with the future-oriented knowledge of sustainability research or applications in the field of sustainability. The marketing campaign aims to raise awareness of these courses and position the university as an attractive choice. At the same time, the University of Kassel communicates its values in research and teaching to the public and focuses its public communication. The 2025/2026 campaign is part of a long-term strategy for which the Communication & Marketing Office is responsible.

Targeted approach

The generation born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s - sometimes referred to in the media as Generation Z - is characterized by its familiarity with digital technologies, a strong awareness of sustainable cycles and a desire for diversity and inclusivity in society. In order to reach this target group, the university relies on motifs that appeal to future students with meaningful visual and textual statements. The focus is on portraits surrounded by a circle motif derived from the degree symbol. The circle represents ecological, social or economic sustainability and the infinity of the circle allows for a change of perspective. The motifs are complemented by the hashtag #unikassel360grad. The new image was developed by Hamburg-based communications agency Bureau Bald, which has already won design awards for its projects. Around 50,000 euros were spent on the development of the motifs, the photo shoot by a graduate of the School of Art and Design and the creation of the campaign.

"We were delighted with the designs, which we will now also turn into a digital campaign," explains Prof. Dr. Ute Clement, President of the University of Kassel. "I am sure that we will succeed in clearly communicating the values of the University of Kassel and inspiring young people to become part of our university community and choose a degree program in Kassel. Of course, a professional campaign like this costs money, which is in short supply at universities. But we are convinced of our path towards a sustainable future and want these degree programs to be noticed. To attract attention these days, we need to communicate professionally and reach our target groups. After all, it is our graduates who will organize sustainable production, produce healthy food and make our cities heat resilient."

Prof. Dr. Sonja Buckel, Vice President responsible for Communication and Marketing, adds: "Today, it is no longer enough to print flyers, organize an open day once a year or be represented in the employment agency's study guide. Thanks to digitalization, the possibilities in university marketing are so much more diverse and effective. We do not disregard traditional poster advertising, but combine it with social media, influencer marketing and digital marketing to create authentic connections and arouse interest in the sustainability-related degree programs. Creative formats are used to address the challenges of our time - such as climate change and social justice - and present solutions that students can actively help to shape."

Patrick Meny, founder, CIO and creative director of the agency Bureau Bald, and his team implemented the assignment from Kassel: "With the 360° degree campaign, the University of Kassel has laid the foundation for targeted sustainability communication. The university speaks in a uniform language, at eye level and with a clear message".

By investing in a professional marketing campaign, the University of Kassel is underlining its commitment to a sustainable future and its role as an education provider in a rapidly changing social context. The university plans to continuously adapt and develop its marketing strategies and web presence to meet dynamic information needs and to underline its position as a leading institution in the field of sustainability in terms of communication.


For further information:

Beate Hentschel, Asmik Kostandian
University of Kassel
Office Communication and Marketing
Phone: +49 561 804-1961
E-mail: presse[at]uni-kassel[dot]de