Study Info Days

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The next Study Information Days will take place on February 18 and 19, 2025.
We will inform you about the numerous study options at the University of Kassel and present study programs at other universities. You will gain an insight into the content, structure and career prospects of the courses on offer and thus gain initial impetus for your decision.
The event is offered by the University of Kassel and the Kassel Employment Agency.

Participation is free of charge and possible without registration.

Diverse offer

  • Lectures on studying, degree programs and applications
  • Advice on study-related topics (student finance, BAföG, housing)
  • Advice at information stands
  • Guided tours
  • Pop-up canteen in Moritz from 11.15 a.m. to 2 p.m.



Tuesday, February 18

Architecture: 9.00 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 2

Urban and Regional Planning: 10.15 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 2

Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning: 11.30 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 2

Fine Arts, Art Teacher Training,
Art Science, Product Design,
Visual Communication:
1.30 p.m., Kunsthochschule Kassel - North Building Lecture Hall

From approx. 14.8 p.m. to 4 p.m. following the lectures in the lecture hall, there will be an opportunity to visit selected study workshops at the Kunsthochschule :
Textile study workshop and the textile laboratory (rooms 0153, 0174, atrium)
Lithography & intaglio printing study workshop (rooms: 0120, 0118, north building)
Photography study workshop (room 0225, north building)
Metal study workshop (room 0504, north building)
Ceramics study workshop (rooms: 0434, 0435, north building)

Tuesday, February 18

Teaching degree for primary schools/special education: 10:15 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 1

Teaching degree at Hauptschulen, Realschulen and Gymnasien: 11:30 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 1

Teaching degree at vocational schools

Vocational Education Health: 11.30 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 5

Business Education: 11.30 a.m., Campus Center - Seminar Room 3

Vocational Education - Metal Technology and Electrical Engineering: 1.30 p.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 5


French/Spanish: 09:00 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 3

Protestant/Catholic Religion: 9:00 a.m., Campus Center - Seminar Room 3

Wednesday, February 19

Sports: 9:00 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 4

Music: 11.30 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 3

Art: 1.30 p.m., Kunsthochschule Kassel - Lecture hall Nordbau

Tuesday, February 18

International Language and Cultural Mediation: 9.00 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 3

Protestant Theology / Catholic Theology: 9.00 a.m., Campus Center - Seminar Room 3

Urban and Regional Planning: 10.15 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 2

Psychology: 1.30 p.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 1


Wednesday, February 19

Social Work: 9.00 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 1

Political Science: 9.00 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 2

Sociology: 10.15 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 2

Philosophy /
Philosophy - Sustainability - Criticism:
10.15 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 3

History: Epochs - People - Spaces: 11.30 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 5

Tuesday, February 18

Sustainability Communication: 9.00 a.m., Campus Center - Campus Center - Lecture Hall 4

Electrical Engineering/
Electrical Engineering and Integrated Sustainability Studies:
9.00 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 5

Sustainability Studies: 10.15 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 4

Business Law/
Business Law with Integrated Sustainability Studies:
10.15 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 5

Mechanical Engineering/
Sustainable Materials and Process Engineering: 11.30 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 3


Wednesday, February 19

Philosophy - Sustainability - Criticism: 10.15 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 3

Chemistry and Mathematics for Sustainability/
Chemistry for Sustainability:
10.15 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 6

Tuesday, February 18

Culture and Business (Hispanic Studies French Studies/
International Language and Cultural Mediation:
9.00 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 3

English and American Studies/
English and American Culture and Business Studies:
1.30 p.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 4

Art Studies: 1.30 p.m., Kunsthochschule Kassel - Lecture Hall Nordbau

Wednesday, February 19

German Studies: 10.15 a.m.: Campus Center - Lecture Hall 5

Philosophy - Sustainability - Criticism:
10.15 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 3

History: Epochs - People - Spaces: 11.30 a.m.: Campus Center - Lecture Hall 5

Tuesday, February 18

plusMINT Orientation Studies: 10.15 a.m., Campus Center - Seminar Room 3

Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning: 11.30 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 2

Vocational Education Health: 11.30 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 5

Organic Agriculture: 1.30 p.m., Campus Center - Seminar Room 3

Psychology: 1.30 p.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 1


Wednesday, February 19

Environmental Engineering: 9.00 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 3

Biology: 9.00 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 5

Mathematics/Technomathematics: 9:00 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 6

Physics : 10:15 a.m.: Campus Center - Lecture Hall 4

Chemistry and Mathematics for Sustainability/
Chemistry for Sustainability:
10:15 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 6

Nanostructure Sciences: 11.30 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 1

Tuesday, February 18

Economics: 9.00 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 1

Culture and Economics (Hispanic Studies French Studies): 9.00 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 3

Business Law/
Business Law with Integrated Sustainability Studies:
10.15 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 5

Business Informatics: 11.30 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 4

Business Education: 11.30 a.m., Campus Center - Seminar Room 3

Industrial Engineering: 1.30 p.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 2

English and American Culture and Business Studies: 1.30 p.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 4

Organic Agriculture: 1.30 p.m., Campus Center - Seminar Room 3

Tuesday, February 18

Electrical Engineering/
Electrical Engineering and Integrated Sustainability Studies:
9.00 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 5

Computer Science: 10.15 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 3

plusMINT Orientation Studies: 10.15 a.m., Campus Center - Seminar Room 3

Business Informatics: 11.30 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 4

Mechanical Engineering/
Sustainable Materials and Process Engineering: 11.30 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 3

Mechatronics: 1.30 p.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 3

Industrial Engineering: 1.30 p.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 2


Wednesday, February 19

Environmental Engineering: 9.00 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 3

Mathematics/Technomathematics: 9:00 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 6

Civil Engineering: 10:15 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 1

Chemistry and Mathematics for Sustainability/
Chemistry for Sustainability:
10:15 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 6

Wednesday, February 19

"Diagnose Zukunft - Medizinstudium in Deutschland und England an der Kassel School of Medicine": 11.30 a.m., Campus Center - Campus Center - Hörsaal 2

Administrative study programs in the geh. Public Service - University of Kassel/HöMS: 11.30 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 4

Medicine - Study and Career - University Medical Center Göttingen: 1.30 p.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 1

Law - University of Göttingen: 1.30 p.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 2

Oecotrophology - more than nutritional sciences - Fulda University of Applied Sciences: 1.30 p.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 4

Dual studies - studying in a practical network - University of Kassel/FOM University: 1.30 p.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 5

Communication Science - University of Erfurt: 1.30 p.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 6

Tuesday, February 18

Student services:
Financing, housing, advice:
9.00 a.m., Campus Center - Campus Center - Lecture Hall 6

Financing your studies with scholarships: 10.15 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 6

Studying abroad during your studies: 11.30 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 6

Pathways to studying:
Decision-making, choosing a degree course:
1.30 p.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 6


Wednesday, February 19:

Pathways to Journalism: 11:30 a.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 6

Voluntary services at home and abroad: 1.30 p.m., Campus Center - Lecture Hall 3

Tuesday, February 18

Professions in uniform - Bundeswehr: 10.15 a.m., Kassel Employment Agency, BIZ

Hesse Police: 11.30 a.m.: Kassel Employment Agency, BIZ

Federal Police: 12.45 p.m.: Kassel Employment Agency, BIZ


Any questions?

Department of Studies and Teaching
Nils Heise
Phone: +49 561 804-2708