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This year's theme of the International Summer University (ISU) was "Engineering Science of Wind Energy Systems - Fundamentals, Technology and Practical Investigations". Eight students from five countries around the world - Australia (Queensland), Turkey, South Africa, USA (Massachusetts) and Germany - came together at the University of Kassel.
The head of the institute of mechanics and dynamics and academic director of the ISU Prof. Dr.-Ing habil. Detlef Kuhl is pleased about the success of the course and thanks all students and lecturers for their participation. participated successfully in a competition promoted by the "Stifterverband", "Daimler-Fonds" and "Daimler und Benz Stiftung" with the project WindMINT. In this project a practical phase in Germany will be integrated in the online master's program. The practical phase will be divided in two parts:
- a study trip week with stops in Kassel (University, Fraunhofer IEE), Bremerhaven (Fraunhofer IWES), Aurich (ENERCON) and Hamburg (Hamburg Wind Trade Fair)
- the offer of internships (5 or 9 weeks) at Fraunhofer Institutes, the University of Kassel and other business partners
The Team is already working on the realization of this project and looks forward to offering a trip to Germany and interesting business contacts to the online students.
The conference's purpose was the presentation of results of the competition "Aufstieg durch Bildung: offene Hochschulen" [1]. The aim of this competition is the development of advanced educational opportunities in line with demand. One in four German universities and colleges is participating in this development program. 30 master's programs were created and will go into normal operation. Our study program is already going into the third regular study year.
In the context of this conference the German Education Minister, Prof. Dr. Johanna Wanka, gave a speech in which she emphasized the importance of advanced scientific education: "Advanced scientific education is central to the solution of social issues." Furthermore the minister praised the collaborative project because of its orientation on highly relevant topics in the field of renewable energies. In this project also was developed. Wanka underlined the need for research and education in the wind energy sector. She mentioned our study program as one good answer to this need.
If you are interested in the German speech of minister Wanka, please click <link
After four years of collaboration between the University of Kassel and the Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy and Energy System Technology (IWES), the international M.Sc. in Wind Energy Systems program was officially launched in November 2015. Students from Germany, Turkey and Switzerland enrolled in the program in the first semester.
The director of studies, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Detlef Kuhl, said that "The English-language program is particularly targeted at international students who wish to further their education in the field of wind energy systems, while working at the same time". Dr.-Ing. Kurt Rohrig, who is the project director at the Fraunhofer IWES, and also a lecturer for the course 'Economic Aspects of Grid Integration' in the degree program, sees the launch of the online M. Sc. Wind Energy Systems as a great chance to take action against the urgent need for skilled workers in the growing global market for the onshore and offshore wind industry.
The goals of the program are achieved thanks to collaboration between the University of Kassel, which provides the basic knowledge necessary to the program, and Fraunhofer IWES which offers support in the areas of applied research, as well as the experience of industry experts. As a result of this collaboration, students may choose to participate in three different modules in the first semester. These modules include <link>Electrical Engineering, <link>Design of Mechanical and Electrical Components, and <link>Mathematics. These modules are taught by professors from the University of Kassel, employees from Fraunhofer IWES, and employees from the company SMA.
For more information about the program, please visit <link>, where you will find information on the structure and content of the study program. The University of Kassel contact Daniela Gleim may be reached at <link mail> and the Fraunhofer IWES contact André Bisevic may be reached at <link mail>

Engineering Science of Wind Energy Systems - Fundamentals, Technology and Practical Investigations was the topic of this year's International Summer University (ISU). Eight students from five countries - Australia (Queensland), Turkey, South Africa, USA (Massachusetts) and Germany - came together for two weeks at the University of Kassel.
The Dean of Studies of the Institute of Structural Mechanics and Dynamics and head of the ISU Prof. Dr.-Ing habil Detlef Kuhl is delighted with the success and thanks all students and lecturers for their participation. has successfully participated with the project WindMINT in a competition sponsored by the "Stifterverband", the "Daimler-Fonds" and the "Daimler und Benz Stiftung". In this project, a project phase in Germany is integrated into the online master program. The project phase is offered in two parts:
- a field trip week with stops in Kassel (University, Fraunhofer IEE), Bremerhaven (Fraunhofer IWES), Aurich (ENERCON) and Hamburg (Hamburg Wind Messe).
- the offer of an internship (5 or 9 weeks) at a Fraunhofer Institute, at the University of Kassel or at a company
The team is already working on the realization of this project and is happy to offer the online students a trip to Germany and interesting business contacts.
The conference's purpose was the presentation of results of the competition "Aufstieg durch Bildung: offene Hochschulen" [1]. The aim of this competition is the development of advanced educational opportunities in line with demand. One in four German universities and colleges is participating in this development program. 30 master's programs were created and will go into normal operation. Our study program is already going into the third regular study year.
In the context of this conference the German Education Minister, Prof. Dr. Johanna Wanka, gave a speech in which she emphasized the importance of advanced scientific education: "Advanced scientific education is central to the solution of social issues." Furthermore the minister praised the collaborative project because of its orientation on highly relevant topics in the field of renewable energies. In this project also was developed. Wanka underlined the need for research and education in the wind energy sector. She mentioned our study program as one good answer to this need.
If you are interested in the German speech of minister Wanka, please click <link
After four years of collaboration between the University of Kassel and the Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy and Energy System Technology (IWES), the international M.Sc. in Wind Energy Systems program was officially launched in November 2015. Students from Germany, Turkey and Switzerland enrolled in the program in the first semester.
The director of studies, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Detlef Kuhl, said that "The English-language program is particularly targeted at international students who wish to further their education in the field of wind energy systems, while working at the same time". Dr.-Ing. Kurt Rohrig, who is the project director at the Fraunhofer IWES, and also a lecturer for the course 'Economic Aspects of Grid Integration' in the degree program, sees the launch of the online M. Sc. Wind Energy Systems as a great chance to take action against the urgent need for skilled workers in the growing global market for the onshore and offshore wind industry.
The goals of the program are achieved thanks to collaboration between the University of Kassel, which provides the basic knowledge necessary to the program, and Fraunhofer IWES which offers support in the areas of applied research, as well as the experience of industry experts. As a result of this collaboration, students may choose to participate in three different modules in the first semester. These modules include <link>Electrical Engineering, <link>Design of Mechanical and Electrical Components, and <link>Mathematics. These modules are taught by professors from the University of Kassel, employees from Fraunhofer IWES, and employees from the company SMA.
For more information about the program, please visit <link>, where you will find information on the structure and content of the study program. The University of Kassel contact Daniela Gleim may be reached at <link mail> and the Fraunhofer IWES contact André Bisevic may be reached at <link mail>