Semester and module plan of the study program
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- Our online sessions will be held at employee-friendly hours.
- Before each semester, the course management will advise our students regarding the semester schedule. In this announcement, we consider your status as a working student.
- The modules start in different calendar weeks. For this reason, the workload is distributed evenly across the semester. This enables a better combination of study and work, and the delayed timing guarantees that your module examinations occur at different times.
Timeline of modules in the winter semester
The table below demonstrates the workload for the1st semester.1
1 IMPORTANT: Students are allowed to enroll in all three 6-credit modules, but it is also possible to study fewer modules in one semester. For example in the first two semesters students can choose 5 out of 6 'Fundamentals' modules. Therefore it is also possible to study only two modules in the first semester and three modules in the second semester (or vice versa).
- Our lectures are offered at work-friendly times and are recorded for independent study
- Prior to each semester, program management informs students of the class schedule
- Modules begin in different calendar weeks. In this way, the study load is distributed throughout the semester. This allows for an improved work/study balance and ensures that exams take place at different times.
Timeline of modules in the winter semester
The panel below shows the study load for the first semester.1
1 Important: It is also possible to take less than 18 credits. For example, only 5 of the 6 basic modules must be taken. Thus, in the first semester, for example, only two modules can be taken and in the second semester three modules or vice versa.