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A total number of 120 credits must be gained in the master's program.
This number is divided into basic modules, advanced modules and additional key competencies. 30 credits must be selected from the Fundamentals modules and 30 credits must be selected in one of the specializations "Simulation and Structural Technology" or "Energy System Technology".
The master's thesis modulecomprises 30credits.
The remaining 30 credits must be gained in the other advanced modules and Additional Key Competencies: Energy and Law.
Overview of Modules
The master's program has a scope of 120 ECTS credits.
This number is divided into basic modules, specialization modules and key competences. 30 credits are chosen from the basic modules and also 30 credits from one of the two specializations "Simulation and Structural Technology" or "Energy System Technology".
The Master's thesis comprises 30credits.
For the remaining 30 credits, modules are chosen from the other specialization and the key competencies.