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Sustainability Day 2024: Paths to climate neutrality

Banner Header Paths to climate neutralityImage: Karen Marschinke

The event "Paths to Climate Neutrality - Framework Conditions, Challenges and Obstacles for Hessian Universities" is being held in cooperation with the Sustainability Network of Hessian Universities (NNHH), which was formed in 2022 to exchange ideas on the topic throughout the state, create synergies, pool research and act as a possible contact point for the HMWK.

At the event, the Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, the Technical University of Darmstadt and the University of Kassel will present exemplary measures and concepts for reducingCO2 emissions and thus their path to climate neutrality.

More information about the event, such as directions, the program and a description of the presentations, can be found on our website:

Registration is possible via the following link:

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