Training as a farmer
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What does a farmer do at the University of Kassel?
When you start your training, you should have at least a secondary school leaving certificate and a class B driver's license. Ideally, you should also already have a T driving license (tractor).
The training to become a farmer has a dual structure. It lasts a total of three years. In agriculture, it is common to change the specialization or the farm during the course of the training. Therefore, at the University of Kassel you will only receive a training contract for one year, so that you can continue your training on another farm with a different focus afterwards.
The trainees work in the field, in the animal area or in the agricultural machinery workshop, where they gain practical experience right from the start.The theory is taught at the vocational school on certain days of the week. Your vocational school is the Reichspräsident-Friedrich-Ebert-Schule in Fritzlar.
The working time is 40 hours per week. There are fixed working hours. These are from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. with two longer breaks. Regularly, you also have to work on weekends. In return, you get free compensation days in the following week.
At the vocational school, the main focus is on subject-specific instruction, e.g. grain farming or animal nutrition. In addition, there is the general subject of politics and economics.
There are also in-service weekly courses on a variety of subjects. These include, for example, a course on agricultural technology at DEULA e.V. or various courses on animal husbandry at the experimental farm of the Hesse State Farm.
A monthly training allowance is paid in accordance with Section 8 (1) of the Collective Agreement for Trainees of the State of Hesse (TVA-H BBiG). This currently amounts to
1,126.85 EUR in the 1st year of training
1,181.43 EUR in the 2nd year of training
1,231.51 EUR in the 3rd year of training
You should be enthusiastic about plants and animals, enjoy working with machinery and the welfare of soil, animals and plants should be of particular concern to you.
What do you deal with in your training?
In my training, I deal with the correct care of the animals, how to detect problems during milking and about the harvest, such as grass silage, hay and straw.
Why did you decide on an apprenticeship and specifically on this one?
I decided to do an apprenticeship because I didn't enjoy school anymore and I would rather already be doing a job that I enjoy. I specifically chose this apprenticeship because I enjoy working with animals and love the variety of the profession.
What else would you like to pass on to others?

What else would you like to pass on to others?
The profession/training can offer a lot of variety, but you specialize in one area. However, the work is also sometimes hard and, especially during harvest time, the days can have more than 12 hours. So you should be sure that you want to do this profession, because it can demand a lot from you.
Ask yourself beforehand if you ...
- you like to work in the open air.
- physical work is exactly your thing.
- whether farmland and manure are just dirt for you or a valuable natural resource.
Or whether ...
- your need for sleep is huge.
- it's your nightmare to stand in the barn until three in the morning when one of the cows calves.
- you prefer to lie in the open-air swimming pool when the weather is nice rather than help with the potato harvest.
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