Information for Teachers

The e-exam team supports you in creating, performing and organizing e-exams with the following services:

  • Introduction to the examination system
  • Consulting on didactical aspects of examination
  • E-exam management and organization
  • Rights management
  • Technical quality implementation of e-exams
  • E-exam configuration
  • Archiving

If you are interested in an e-examination, please contact the e-exam team or register directly for one of our online introductions to the e-examination system (see below).

Booking-tool for E-Assessments

The registration of an e-exam is only possible for authenticated users!


Phone: 0561 804 -7353

Online introduction to the e-examination system

We regularly offer interested teachers an online introduction to the examination system. In order to gain access to the examination system for the first time, participation in this introduction is mandatory. Current dates can be found on the following Website  with our continuing education offers for the use of digital applications in teaching.


The privacy policy and the imprint of the University of Kassel apply to the exam system.