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About us

We are the first review editorial team of the University of Kassel, which has one thing in common above all: We love reading books, watching series, and watching movies. But more importantly, we love writing about them.

What did we particularly like about the latest Netflix series? Which book could we not put down? What background or special features should you definitely know? Can we recommend the film to you or not?

We want to share all this and much more with you at MEDIEN|KRITIK. Whether oldies or new releases, thrillers or fantasy, absolute favorite books or never-ending hate movies, we set no limits and want to give you a diverse insight into the world of media we consume ourselves. And who knows, maybe we can even inspire you in this way or encourage you to think further.

Want to join us?

If you like it and you don't just want to read our reviews, but would rather write reviews yourself, you're super welcome to do so! You can always join our regular editorial meetings as a permanent member or send us your own reviews as a freelance writer to the email address below. We are looking forward to reading your texts and giving you editorial and conceptual advice. 

Email address:
Instagram: medienkritik

The team

Britta summer

Image: Wiebke Bierwirth

I'm Britta, and I studied German language and literature at the University of Kassel - I'm totally open in my categories: I like reading just as much as I like watching movies or series.
Current favorite book: A Question of Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus. 

Wiebke Bierwirth

Image: Wiebke Bierwirth

My name is Wiebke, I'm studying for a master's degree in sociology and, in addition to reviewing films and series, I also review books.
Favorite film/book: Call me by your name by Luca Guadagnino and André Aciman. 

Sabrina Siebert

Image: Wiebke Bierwirth

My name is Sabrina and I'm studying for a Master's degree in German Studies. I prefer to review fiction - whether classics or current books. 
Current favorite book: Morgen, morgen und wieder morgen by Gabrielle Zevin.