Investigative Housing Research – The Productivity of Common Ownership Models

The research "Invesitgative Housing Research - The Productivity of Common Ownership Models" intends to fill a gap in research by applying empirical findings on common ownership and collective solutions to larger urban housing realities and developing housing policy solutions that are economically resilient, architecturally and spatially sound, and decoupled from financial markets. These findings are based on work by Ostrom (1990) and Federici (2018), who have shown that shared ownership and collective solutions are less vulnerable to economic cycles.

The pilot project develops a research methodology to explore projective design approaches to scalable productivity of shared ownership models in housing development. The aim of the project is to develop content that will enable the Faculty to successfully attract funding from third party funders.


Funded by: University of Kassel

Start of funding: January 2024

End of funding: December 2025

Project Leader: Prof. Gabu Heindl

Research staff: Iva Marčetić and student assistant Nicole Freier


Intersectional Townhouse Vienna - GABU Heindl Architecture