Entwicklung kompakter Be- und Entladestationen in Modulbauweise für große Kombispeicher

Short description

For small solar hot water systems and combisystems there is already a wide range of pre-fabricated and standardized complete systems available on the market. However, for large solar thermal systems with more than 20 m² collector area it is still common to design the systems individually with specific hydraulics assembled from single parts at the installation site.
This causes not only high designing, logistics and assembly costs but also a high risk for sizing and assembly errors and slows down the market penetration of large solar systems. To avoid this, a compact charging and discharging station for storages was developed, which contains all necessary hydraulic parts and is highly pre-fabricated.
The project partner Wagner & Co. Solartechnik brought a small-scale version of the charging and discharging unit to commercial maturity and presented it at the Intersolar 2009 in Munich. The goal of a significant cost reduction was achieved for pressurized storages. A substantial saving is made possible by the high degree of prefabrication, as the costs of planning and assembly were significantly reduced. The vulnerability for sizing and assembly errors is reduced too.


2005 - 2009

Cooperation partner

Fa. Wagner & Co. Solartechnik GmbH, Cölbe