Erhöhung der Energieeffizienz in öffentlichen Liegenschaften durch Betriebsoptimierung und monetäre Anreizsysteme

Short Description

About 20% of the total cost through planning and construction, the remaining 80% to be considered over the life cycle of a building only spent on the building operation. The dominant share make, as a rule, the energy costs. Especially with the Hessian universities, which represent the largest consumer group with a share of around half of the total energy consumption of the country estate, puts the issue of energy efficiency due to increasing energy prices and especially in front of goal of CO2-neutral state administration by 2030 in the focus of attention.
The aim of this research project is to develop a strategy for the sustainable reduction of energy consumption in the higher education sector without substantial restrictions on research, teaching and comfort. The implementation of this goal to be achieved by an optimization and adaptation needs of facility systems, on the other hand by a change in behavior of building users on the one hand. The project will investigate how the energy consumption individual fields can be assigned by measurement and/or calculation, as monetary incentives implemented in the university administration and what savings can be achieved thereby. The transferability to other colleges and property should be ensured.


2010 bis 2014


Supported by University of Kassel, Department V - construction, engineering, real estate