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07/15/2021 | Campus-Meldung

Calling all students: Get vaccinated

Hesse's Minister of the Interior, Peter Beuth, and Hesse's Minister of Science, Angela Dorn, have called on all students to take advantage of available vaccination services.

Image: HMWK.
Angela Dorn.

Here is the appeal in wording:

Dear students of the Hessian universities,

the Corona pandemic has changed your studies a lot. You discuss with your fellow students by looking at the tiles of a video conferencing software instead of in a room, you exchange information with your professors  via e-mail and watch lectures on YouTube. Some of you who started your studies last year have practically never seen your university from the inside.

The extensive conversion to online teaching has worked well, thanks to the great commitment of all those involved, the teachers, the employees at the universities and also thanks to your cooperation and patience when things went wrong. We can be just as happy about this as we can about the fact that, thanks to hygiene concepts designed to be extremely cautious, there have not been any significant infections at universities.

But science needs discourse; research and learning can only function in exchange - and that comes too seldom. And not only in lectures: Many a discussion between a scientist and a sociologist begins in the student pub.  We need to think outside the box, which is part of life in a university town. That's why we - certainly together with you - very much hope that the development of the pandemic in the winter semester 202112022 will make more normal university and student life possible again. We are in close contact with the universities to ensure that face-to-face teaching becomes the norm again, while carefully monitoring  the course of the infection. The rule is: as much normality in university life as possible and responsible.

You can make a contribution to this: Please get vaccinated. We encourage you to make an appointment for a vaccination against the SARS-CoV-2 virus at the country's vaccination centers or at your family doctor's office. Regardless of future vaccine offerings, these options are already available and offer the easiest way to build up vaccine protection with the necessary two vaccinations or one vaccination with Johnson & Johnson vaccine in time for the winter semester. The necessary vaccination capacity will be available in the coming weeks.

The more people who accept the vaccine offer, the higher the vaccination rate, the better protected we will all be, even in the face of the threat of new virus variants. And the sooner we can return to a largely normal life - at universities and in society as a whole.


Note: Information on vaccination opportunities for students can be found here:
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