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04/05/2024 | Campus-Meldung

Design with gaps. Women in architecture, urban planning, landscape planning

Equal opportunities and self-determination are part of the founding myth of the Gesamthochschule Kassel (GhK). In terms of the lack of participation by women, however, the university initially differed little from other universities, even though its opening coincided with the women's movement. An exhibition now presents how women*, feminism* and gender* have been addressed in research and teaching over 50 years of ASL.

Image: FB ASL
Graphic from 1987.

"Within the last 10 to 20 years, there have been several exhibitions that have made women visible in the disciplines of architecture and planning," say Dr. Wiebke Reinert, Annika Schönewald and Lara Eckhardt from the curatorial team. "As academics and students, we were interested in how topics relating to feminism, the women's movement & gendered spaces have been incorporated into teaching and research at our Faculty over the last 50 years. A lot has happened in society as a whole in the meantime. How has this affected the way we think about designing spaces for a diverse society? What designs, what life plans have had a place here?"

The exhibition addresses the gaps in previous historiography, in the design of society, architecture and planning with a documentation of projects and initiatives that have been handed down in the doku:lab, the Faculty's documentation and media workshop.

With the exhibition "Design with voids. Women in Architecture - Urban Planning Landscape Planning", the Faculty concludes its anniversary exhibition series. The ten exhibitions and the accompanying program have highlighted innovations and pressing issues in architecture, urban planning and landscape planning. The look back at the history of research and teaching was combined with current concepts of urban activism, redesigning public spaces, demolition moratoriums, sustainable building and digitalization.


Exhibition "Design with voids. Women in architecture - urban planning landscape planning"

aspart of the exhibition series celebrating the anniversary of the Faculty The Kassel Model 1973 - 2023. 50 Years of Architecture - Urban Planning - Landscape Planning at the University of Kassel

Wed. April 17 - Thu. May 25, 2024
Opening on Wednesday, April 17, 2024, 7 p.m.
ASL-Neubau, foyer on the ground floor
Universitätsplatz 9
34127 Kassel

Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Admission is free of charge.

Further information on the exhibitions, their accompanying events and other anniversary activities: