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10/24/2023 | Lecture series


The lecture series has a different focus each year and the organization changes between the departments. This year it is in the hands of Julian Sehmer (HAWK) and Sabine Russ-Sattar (Department 05 Social Sciences).

Under the title "Quite extreme? Culture - Power - Language", this winter's lecture series will focus on the cultural and linguistic dimensions of right-wing extremism and its manifestations. Topics such as  the continuities of right-wing radicalism, anti-feminism, anti-Muslim racism and anti-Semitism will be dealt with. The last block will include discussions with journalists on how to deal with right-wing extremism, and will conclude with a panel discussion with the initiative Nachgefragt! , the Initiative 6. April, the Bildungsstätte Anne Frank and Offen für Vielfalt (a network in which the University of Kassel is a partner). You can find the program here.