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08/08/2022 | International

Public Relations: erasmus+ visit to CELA and the Institute of Romance Studies

Reception hosted by the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Cultural Studies, Prof. Petra Freudenberger-Lötz
Work meeting at the Institute for Romance Studies

The University of Kassel is well connected with Latin America and especially Argentina through the erasmus+ program. Contacts and working meetings could only take place digitally for almost two years due to the pandemic, but this July guests from Argentina were finally able to arrive again: Prof. Claudia Borzi from the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Prof. Gabriela Leighton and Rodrigo Jimeno from the Universidad de San Martín (also Buenos Aires) and Prof. Gisela Elina Müller from the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo in Mendoza. 

The guests from Argentina research and teach in the field of linguistics and literary studies as well as language and cultural mediation. It was therefore only natural that, in addition to concrete project planning, the documenta15 was also visited and the current discussions about the art exhibition were examined from an Argentinean perspective. The German-Argentinean group planned projects for 2023 and future exchange opportunities for students, well advised by Dr. Constanze Engel, who came to the Institute of Romance Studies for an extensive working session. Discussions with the Dean of the Department Prof. Dr. Petra Freudenberger-Lötz and with the CELA Board of Directors rounded off the visit.

The group agreed that Zoom is a great addition for international cooperation, but the best ideas come when everyone gathers around a table. Further trips within the framework of erasmus+ are therefore already firmly planned.

(Editor: Angela Schrott)