Conferences / Publications / Presentations
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- Co-organization of the conference: On the Materiality and Mediality of Writing and Text. 28th conference of the AG Medien of the SSD; 06.-07.07.2012.
- Conception, organization and realization of the conference: Children and Adolescents in Literature, Media and Teaching. International Workshop; 27-28.06.2013.
- Co-conception and organization of the conference: Innovate, Network, Research- The Kassel Quality Initiative for Teacher Education (PRONET) presents itself at the ZLB Annual Conference. ZLB Annual Conference; 08.-09.07.2016 ( )
- Co-organization of the public lecture series: the "refugee crisis" as a field of right-wing populist mobilization. FB05 / WS 2016/1017 (
- Co-conception, organization and implementation of the conference: Beschaulichkeit ist Trumpf? Germanist Perspectives on the 1950s.; 11-12.05.2017 ( )
Co-conception and organization of the conference: Sprachsensibler Fachunterricht. Annual conference of the ZLB; 19.-20.05.2017 (
Conception, organization and implementation of the action day: escape in literature, art and culture; 27.04.2017.
Co-conception, organization and implementation of the public lecture series: Of Neo-Nazis, Salfists and Grey Wolves. Transnational extremisms in the migration society. FB05 / FB01 / FB 02 WS 2017/1018(
Co-conception and organization of the conference: Teaching and Learning in the Age of Digitalization. Annual conference of the ZLB; 08.06.2018(
Conception, organization and realization of the lecture series: Competencies in Teacher Education. University and school trends.
- Conception, organization and implementation of the research colloquium: Literary Creation under Persecution in Prison and in Exile. in cooperation with the Breitenau Memorial.
Collected volumes:
Adolescence in Media Contexts. Literature reception, media effects, and youth media protection. Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang 2016.
- Together with Frank, Caroline: Narratives of Escape. Literary/media studies and didactic perspectives. [in preparation.]
together with: Barsch, Achim / Müller, Christoph / Rietz, Florian: "Advertising Research in the Classroom. Report on a Project with Two School Classes". In: Baum, Michael / Laudenberg, Beate (eds.): Paratext und Illustration. Munich: kopaed 2012, pp.169-181.
"Material and Media Stagings of Literary Texts in the Literary World of the 1950s. Didactic Reflections on a Historical Advertising Format." In: Barsch, Achim / Gätje, Olaf (eds.): Materialität und Medialität von Schrift und Text. Munich: kopaed 2013, pp.136-147.
"Project Report on Media Competence and Cyberbullying in Secondary School Level 1." In: Ansari, Christine (ed.): Adolescence in Media Contexts. Literature Reception, Media Effects, and Youth Media Protection. Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang 2016, pp.237-253.
"Preliminary Remarks." In Ansari, Christine (ed.): Adolescence in Media Contexts. Literature reception, media effects, and youth media protection. Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang 2016, pp.9-13.
"Media Specificity in Paul Maar as an Occasion for Aesthetic Learning in German Lessons." In: Roßbach, Nikola / Wicke, Andreas (eds.): Paul Maar. Studies on the Literary Work for Children. Nürnberg: Königshausen & Neumann 2017, pp.227-240.
Together with Frank, Caroline: "Jugend auf der Flucht- Oszillation zwischen Nähe- und Distanzevokation in zeitgenössischer Kinder- und Jugendliteratur." In: Critical Issue 34, 2018, pp.13-24.
Smaller contributions:
- "Horst Kottke." In: Roßbach, Nikola (ed.): Kleines Kasseler Literatur-Lexikon. Authors. Hannover: Wehrhahn 2018, pp. 516-517.
- "Samuel Endemann." In: Roßbach, Nikola (ed.): Kleines Kasseler Literatur-Lexikon. Authors. Hannover: Wehrhahn 2018,pp. 226-227.
- "Friedrich Gerstäcker." In: Roßbach, Nikola (ed.): Kleines Kasseler Literatur-Lexikon. Authors. Hannover: Wehrhahn 2018,pp. 210-211.
- "Franz Treller." In: Roßbach, Nikola (ed.): Kleines Kasseler Literatur-Lexikon. Authors. Hannover: Wehrhahn 2018, pp. 844-845.
- "Material and Medial Staging of Literary Texts in the Literature Business of the 1950s- Research Approaches and Results of an Empirical Investigation" (On the Materiality and Mediality of Writing and Text; 28th Conference of the SDD Media Working Group; Evangelische Akademie Hofgeismar;July 6-7, 2012).
- "Don't read the next page if you think it's unfair to put an ad in a good book" (Ernst Rowohlt, 1950) - On the Correlation of Advertising and Literature." ( Conference of the Humanities and Cultural Studies Doctoral College (Gekko); Evangelische Akademie Hofgeismar; 03.-04.06.2016).
- "Bringing People to the Station. Refugees in Kassel and Europe." (Workshop leader: Winter School "Urban Grammars Kassel at the Intersection of Literature, Language, Art, Industry and University"; University of Kassel; 07.-11.12.2015)
- "The Refugee Crisis in the Context of Media Constructions of Reality" (public lecture series "The 'Refugee Crisis' as a Field of Right-Wing Populist Mobilization"; University of Kassel; WS16/17).
- Together with Prof. Dr. Achim Barsch: "Kleines Medienpotpourri der 1950er Jahre." (Beschaulichkeit ist Trumpf? Germanist Perspectives on the 1950s; conference of the IfG of the University of Kassel; 11-12 May 2017).