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If you have any questions or problems concerning the beginning of your studies, you can contact the student assistants of the General Student Advisory Service. You can find them here: Infotheke Studium, Moritzstr. 18 (Campus Center) on the 3rd floor. If you are interested in German Studies, the Student Secretariat (Campus Center, Moritzstr. 18, Level 3) or the Examination Office of Department 02 (Kurt-Wolters-Str. 5, Room 300) will be happy to help you. 

The Bachelor's degree program in German Studies at the University of Kassel does not have an admission restriction, but German Studies for the teaching profession does. However, this depends on the applicants every year. In 2018, this restriction was a grade point average of 2.8. You can always monitor the current grade point average of the last years via this page!

For other subjects, there is a wide application period, but since German Studies for teachers is a so-called NC program, you have to apply by July 15 every year! Therefore, you can only start your studies in the winter semester.

Don't worry - you won't read a new book every quarter in college like you did in school, and you don't need to know every work by Goethe or Schiller by heart. This is entirely up to you: If you take reading seminars (e.g. directly on the topic of "Faust"), you will of course need the appropriate works, and some courses include several readings. If, on the other hand, your seminar deals with radio plays, older German literature, etc., you can safely leave Faust at home.