
01/30/2024 | Internationale Beziehungen mit Schwerpunkt Lateinamerika

Review of the lecture "Perspectives on global social inequalities in the bioeconomy - The example of migrant labor in the Southeast Asian palm oil industrial complex"

On 19.11.2024, Dr. Janina Puder gave a lecture at the symposium of the BMBF-funded junior research group "Meat: The Bioeconomy" at the University of Hamburg on the connection between the expansion of agrofuel production in the context of ecological modernization attempts and the overexploitation of migrant workers producing palm oil for the global market in Southeast Asia. She gave insights into her empirical research on the regional accumulation model of the palm oil industrial complex, the Malaysian labor migration regime and the working and living conditions of migrant palm oil workers; on the other hand, she presented her theoretical work on the so-called overexploitation theorem.