Prof. Dr. Sabine Ruß-Sattar
Professor, Section: Comparative Politics
- Telephone
- +49 561 804-3093
- sruss[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
- Website
- Comparative Politics
- Location
- Nora-Platiel-Str. 1
34127 Kassel
- Room
- Raum 3218
Information about the office hours in the summer semester 2022 The office hours of Prof. Dr. Sabine Ruß-Sattar take place on Thursdays, from 14:00-16:00.Appointments for the office hours are made via Moodle. You can access the office hours Moodle course here: https: // For the discussion of projects and scientific theses, appointments can also be made outside the regular office hours by individual arrangement. Until further notice, the office hours will take place via ZOOM. You will receive the link as soon as you have successfully registered for an appointment.
Sabine Russ-Sattar has been a professor of comparative politics at the University of Kassel since 2005. She studied political science, history and Romance languages and literature at the universities of Freiburg i. Brsg., Clermont-Ferrand and at the Institut d'Etudes politiques in Paris, and also worked as a freelancer for local newspapers and local radio stations. In 1993, she received her doctorate from the Albert Ludwig University in Freiburg with a thesis on "The Republic of Incumbents. The French Reform Laws on Political Financing from 1988 to 1990." After several years of teaching as a research assistant at the Freiburg Seminar for Scientific Politics and study and research stays in New York and Washington D.C., she habilitated in 2003 with the comparative study on "Interessenvertretung als Konstruktion. Weak interests in the field of forces of modern democracies using the example of homeless people in France and the United States" at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. In addition to her professorship, she works as an evaluator for the DAAD and the Franco-German University (DFH), among others. She has been an associate fellow of DGAP since October 2013.
Monographs and Editorships
with Schwenken, Helen (ed.): New Border and Citizenship Politics, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.
with Gelz, Andreas/ Hüser, Dietmar (eds.): Skandale zwischen Moderne und Postmoderne. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Forms of Social Transgression, Berlin/Boston MA: De Gruyter 2014.
with Bender, Peter/ Walter, Georg (eds.): Europe and the Arab Spring. France, Germany and upheavals in EU policy in the Mediterranean region, Baden-Baden: Nomos 2013.
with Haas, Christoph/ Riescher, Gisela (eds.): Zweite Kammern, Munich: Oldenbourg 2010 (second, newly revised edition).
with Scherrer, Christoph/ Clement, Ute/ Nowak, Jörg (eds.): Governance und schwache Interessen, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag 2010.
with Hüser, Dietmar (ed.): Dossier "Im Westen viel Neues? The French Election Year 2007," in Lendemains, 32nd ed. n°126/7, pp. 9-80.
Interest Representation as Problem Construction. Weak interests in the field of forces of modern democracies using the example of homeless people in France and the United States. Baden-Baden: Nomos 2005.
With Schild, Joachim/Schmidt, Jochen/ Stephan, Ina (eds.): Parteien in Frankreich. Continuity and Change in the Vth Republic, Opladen: Leske & Budrich 2000.
The Republic of Incumbents. Politikfinanzierung als Herausforderung liberaler Demokratien am Beispiel Frankreich und seiner Reformen von 1988 und 1990, Baden-Baden 1993.
Journal articles and book chapters
(with Henning Riecke): "Comeback as a Democratic Leading Power?", Biden's Values-Oriented Foreign Policy Holds Conflict Potential Among Allies," in Journal of Foreign and Security Policy, 2021, online at: http: //
"In the Greenhouse of Polarization. American Civil Society and Democracy in Donald J. Trump's Presidency," in Social Movements Research Journal, 34 (1), 2021, pp. 103-121.
"Attacking Equality and Dignity: Hate Speechin the Digital Era," in: Hofmann, Birgit (ed.): Human Rights as News. Medien, Öffentlichkeit und Moral seit dem 19. Jahrhundert, Campus-Verlag: Frankfurt am Main/New York 2020.
"'We can't breathe'. The Burden of Racism and Division in the United States," in WeltTrends. The Foreign Policy Journal, 28th ed, no. 169, November 2020, pp. 68-71.
(with Katharina Benderoth) "Reflections on "Europeanization" Using the Example of Strategy Change in German Welfare Organizations," in:Wolfgang Schroeder, Michaela Schulze (eds.) Wohlfahrtsstaat und Interessenorganisationen im Wandel. Theoretical Classifications and Empirical Findings, Baden-Baden : Nomos 2019, pp. 77 - 98,
"(Com)misson impossible? The new EU Commission President and the disunited Union," Commentary in: WeltTrends. Das außenpolitische Journal, No.155, September 2019, pp. 70f. (pdf download here).
(with Claire Demesmay and Katrin Sold) " Retour de l'absent ", Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée [En ligne], 144 | novembre 2018, mis en ligne le 30 novembre 2018, consulté le 26 février 2019. URL:
"US democracy without checks and balances? Without a political center, the U.S. Congress disempowers itself," DGAPkompakt 22, Oct. 11, 2018 German Council on Foreign Relations, Berlin online at.
(with Philippe Hamman), 2018: " Les répertoires d'action transfrontalière des communes françaises et allemandes : Une mise en parallèle, de 1950 à nos jours ", in Revue de sciences sociales, n°60, pp. 26-37.
(with the collaboration of Sara Jakob), 2018, "Unrest in the system. Since Macron's election, the French party landscape is changing," DGAPanalyse No. 2, German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) Berlin May 2018 on.
(with Claire Demesmay), 2018, "Words and Worldviews: Foreign Policy and Language in the Election Campaigns of Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, in France Yearbook 2017, pp. 61-80.
(with Claire Demesmay and Karin Sold): "Exploring the Case for Tunisian Diasporas in Europe" (Chapter 11), in K. Scott Parker & Tony E. Nasrallah (ed.):Middle Eastern Minorities and the Arab Spring.Identity and Community in the Twenty First Century, Gorgias Press 2017, 277-305.
"The Jupiter Model. How Emmanuel Macron Became What He Is, and What He Wants," in WeltTrends, no. 129 July 2017, pp. 24-29.
(with Ingo Bode): "Innovation, Routine and Headwind - Realities and Perspectives of Social Economy in Rhineland Europe," in: Franco-German Institute (ed.): France Yearbook 2016. Social and Solidarity Economy in France and Europe, Springer VS: Wiesbaden 2017, pp. 39 - 68.
"Election Campaigning in a State of Emergency. The issue of security as an electoral tool for right-wing populists?" in DGAP kompakt No. 17, December 2015 on.
"France," in: Lauth, Hans-Joachim (ed.): Political Systems in Comparison. Formal and Informal Institutions in the Political Process, Oldenbourg 2014, pp. 127-162.
"Wolfgang Jäger," in Jesse, Eckhart/ Liebold, Sebastian (eds.): Deutsche Politikwissenschaftler - Werk und Wirkung. Von Abendroth bis Zellentin, Baden-Baden: Nomos, June 2014.
"Copenhagen or Berlin-Kreuzberg? The Culturalist Subtext of the Turkey Accession Debate," in Ruß, Sabine/ Bender, Peter/ Walter, Georg (eds.): Europe and the Arab Spring. France, Germany and Upheavals in EU Policy in the Mediterranean Region, Baden-Baden: Nomos 2013.
"Skandale als Indikatoren politischen Wandels," in: Ruß, Sabine/ Gelz, Andreas/ Hüser, Dietmar (eds.): Skandale zwischen Moderne und Postmoderne. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Forms of Social Transgression, Berlin/Boston MA: De Gruyter 2014.
"Integration and national identity? Sarkozy's Immigration Policy and its Logic of the 'Republican Club' ", in Löffler, Roland/ Herbert Quandt Foundation (eds.): National Identity and Integration. Challenges to Politics and Media in France and Germany,Freiburg: Herder Verlag 2011, pp. 74-86.
"The 'Visible French' and the Republic. On the Question of the Ethnification of French Politics," in Hüser, Dietmar (ed.). France's Empire Strikes Back. Social Change, Colonial Debates and Migration Cultures in the Early 21st Century, Kassel: Kassel University Press 2010, pp. 75-95.
"The Political Representation of Weak Interests Using the Example of Migrants" (with Esther Mikuszies, Jörg Nowak, Helen Schwenken), in Ruß, Sabine/Scherrer, Christoph/ Clement, Ute/ Nowak, Jörg (eds.): Governance and Weak Interests, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag 2010, pp. 95-111.
"Stories of a Success? The Representation of the Homeless in France and the United States," in Linden, Markus, Thaa, Winfried (eds.): The Political Representation of Strangers and the Poor, Baden-Baden: Nomos 2009, pp. 235-259.
"The French Senate: The Turtle of the Republic," in Riescher, Gisela/ Russ, Sabine/ Christoph M. Haas (eds.): Second Chambers, Munich/Vienna 2010, pp. 236-254.
(with Gisela Riescher): "On the Function of Second Chambers in Modern Democracies," in Riescher, Gisela / Russ, Sabine / Christoph M. Haas (eds.): Second Chambers, Munich/Vienna 2010, pp. 382-401.
"'Equité, parité, diversité' or: How the French Republic Declines Equality Today," in: Schild, Joachim/ Uterwedde, Henrik (eds.): Die Verunsicherte Französische Republik. Change in Structures, Politics - and Guiding Principles?, Baden-Baden Nomos: 2009, pp. 65-87.
"Bright spot and turning point? The 2007 Presidential Elections and the Crisis of Political Representation," in: dossier "In the West Much is New? The French Election Year 2007," in Lendemains, 32nd ed. n°126/7, pp. 37-54.
"J'aurai voulu être marin, brigand ou missionaire" - Abbé Pierre, the unconventional prophet of the Republic, in: Lendemains, 33rd yr, 130/31, 2008, i.E.
"Social Movements," In: Jäger, Wolfgang / Haas, Christoph M./ Welz, Wolfgang (eds.): Regierungssystem der USA, Munich/Vienna: Oldenbourg Verlag 2007 (3), pp.263-277.
"Analytical Shadow Games: Contours of Corruption in France," in: Von Aleman, Ulrich (ed.): dimensions of political corruption: contributions to the state of research, special volume Politische Vierteljahresschrift, vol. 3, 2005, pp.365-382.
"The Other Chamber," in Schild, Joachim/ Uterwedde, Henrik (eds.): France's Vth Republic. Ein Regierungssystem im Wandel. Festschrift für Adolf Kimmel, Opladen . VS Verlag Sozialwissenschaften 2005, pp. 105-126.
"Discipline and Love: George W. Bush's "Compassionate Conservatism" in the Balance," In: Archives of Social Work Science and Practice, vol. 35, 2004, 4, pp. 17-33.
"Donation Scandals: The Vulnerable Nerve of Party Democracy," in: Villinger, Ingeborg/Riescher, Gisela/ Rüland, Jürgen (eds.): Politics and Responsibility. Festgabe für Wolfgang Jäger zum 60. Geburtstag, Freiburg: Rombach Verlag 2000.
(together with Jochen Schmidt) "Challenges from Left and Right. Wertewandel und Veränderungen in den Parteiensystemen in Deutschland und Frankreich," in: Renate Köcher/ Joachim Schild (eds.): Wertewandel in Deutschland und Frankreich, Opladen 1998.
"Pharaoh with Watering Can: The Dilemma of Democratic Cultural Policy in France," in: Leviathan 1997/2, pp. 186-201.
"Voltaire," in: Stammen, Theodor/ Riescher, Gisela/Hofmann, Wilhelm (eds.): Hauptwerke der politischen Theorie, Stuttgart: Alfred Kröner Verlag 1997.