
Name, ForenameContact
Prof. Dr. Langfeldt, Bettina
Professor, Section: Methods of Empirical Social Research
Langfeldt, Bettina
Office Assistant
Name, ForenameContact
Jäger-Mayer, Anja
Office Assistant, Section: Methods of Empirical Social Research
Jäger-Mayer, Anja
Research Assistant
Name, ForenameContact
Baggio, Elena (M.A.)
Research assistant in the Department of Methods of Empirical Social Research
Baggio, Elena
Rei­fen­scheid, Ma­xi­mi­lia­ne (M.A.)
Research Assistant, Section: Methods in Empirical Social Research
Rei­fen­scheid, Ma­xi­mi­lia­ne
Project Team Member
Name, ForenameContact
Brose, Julia (M.A.)
Research assistant in the BMBF project ‘WiaQM - Knowledge transfer to and from quality management in teaching and learning’
Brose, Julia
Fonseca, Rocío (M.A.)
Research assistant in the BMBF project: "T!RAUM!B Impact: Begleitforschung zur Förderlinie T!Raum - TransferRäume für die Zukunft von Regionen"
Fonseca, Rocío
Kipry, Alisa (StEx)
Doctoral candidate in the Graduate Programme (PRONET² Innovation Unit V)
Kipry, Alisa
Zalewski, Ingmar
Research assistant in the BMBF project ‘AGePf - State and non-state universities as providers of hybrid study formats in the health and nursing professions’
Zalewski, Ingmar
Student Assistant
Name, ForenameContact
Sieberg, Paula
Studentische Hilfskraft
Sieberg, Paula
Sommer, Jacob
Studentische Hilfskraft
Sommer, Jacob