Can you give me some general information about the Master’s Degree Program?
Since the Winter Semester 2003/2004 the University of Kassel offers a theory-oriented graduate program in Global Political Economy. The two-years program results in the degree “Master of Arts (M.A.) in Global Political Economy”.
The curriculum is oriented on the “International/Global Political Economy” program taught at American, British, and a few Northern European universities. According to the International Studies Association, this is one of the fastest growing branches of political science. Kassel University is the first to cover this dynamic field in Germany.
The Master’s program in Global Political Economy aims to help students to develop a critical understanding of the numerous theoretical approaches and practical issues as well as the wide spectrum of institutions, actors and processes in the Global Political Economy. It should also enable the students to apply this knowledge in practice.
The Master’s degree program is interdisciplinary in design; the faculties of Social Sciences (Politics and Sociology) and Economics play a pivotal role.
The program has an international module that encourages students to participate in work-study programs abroad. Kassel collaborates with the following universities: Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Sao Paolo), Paris X (Nanterre), Rutgers University (Newark, NJ, U.S.A.), University of the Witwatersrand (Johannesburg) and York University (Toronto). Lecturers from these partner programs periodically offer seminars at Kassel.
For international students, the Kassel curriculum may be of special interest as it goes beyond the standard International Political Economy programs by elaborating on the EU as an important region in the world economy. International students may also take courses at the Language Center (e.g. German, English, French, Spanish, German for Economists, Political Scientists and Sociologists) to facilitate their studies. During their stay in Germany, international students can learn German in a four-week intensive course before the program starts as well as four hours weekly during the semester (unfortunately, language courses are not free of charge).
How do I apply?
STEP 1: For a complete application we require the following documents from you:
- Application form (completely filled out)
- Officially authenticated copies (photocopies) of your certificates (degree and transcripts) in English or German language and documents which outline the standards of certificates
- TOEFL or IELTS scores (this is not required from English native speakers or students with a continuous English education)
- A complete Statement of Objectives
- Proof of practical social-political experience of at least one year.
- C.V
STEP 2: Send in your application.
Please note:
Applicants with a degree earned in Germany must send their application package directly to the University of Kassel:
Universität Kassel
Mönchebergstr. 19
D-34109 Kassel
Applicants with a degree earned outside Germany must send their application directly to:
Universität Kassel
GPE Coordination - Room 3001
Kleine Rosenstraße 1-3
D-34109 Kassel
If you graduate after the application deadline, please provide the latest version of your transcript of records together with a formal letter from your University stating your expected graduation date.
When is the closing date for applications?
The application deadlines for the next round of our program are:
- For applicants which have earned their degree outside Germany: the 01st of April of every year
- For applicants which have earned their degree in Germany: the 15th of June
Please send us your complete application form together with all up-to-date documents before the deadline. Due to the number of applications we can not consider any applications or materials after this date.
Authenticated degrees will be considered which were awarded up to the deadline application date. If you will graduate after the application deadline please send a transcript and a letter stating that you are expected to graduate soon from your university.
Can I apply if I will graduate or receive my degree certificate after the deadline?
Yes, you can. Please include a note with your postal application stating that a certified copy of your degree certificate will follow later and a letter or transcript from your current university stating:
- the name and address of the university and department,
- your full name,
- that you are expected to graduate this summer,
- a transcript of your grades so far, and
- the exact title of your degree in English or German, e.g. "B.A. Social Studies".
What is the language of instruction?
All core courses will be taught in English. The special options courses will be taught in English or German. Course work for special option courses may be written in either English or German. To improve language competence, students are encouraged to take full advantage of the courses offered by the University of Kassel’s Language Center (language courses are not free of charge, approx. 60 €).
Does the University of Kassel offer a PhD program?
Yes, it does. Students who have completed the M.A. program with at least the grade 2 (B) may be accepted as PhD students, if they find a professor within the faculties of the Departments of Social Sciences or Economics willing to supervise their thesis.
There are 2 English taught PhD programs:
• Global Social Policies and Governance
• Graduate School of Socio-Ecological Research for Development
The department of social sciences offers special courses for PhD students in its Kassel International Graduate Centre of the Social Sciences (KIGG).
When can I expect a final decision?
The admission process consists of two steps:
- The Board of Examiners selects, out of a couple of hundred applications, 20 people (plus 10 for the waiting list) according to the following criteria:
- fulfilment of formal requirements (BA, area of study, English competency)
- grades, reputation of your BA program
- language capabilities
- knowledge and skill level in the field of international political economy
- gender & regional balance - The administration of Kassel University checks the 30 selected applications for the authenticity of the documents (i.e. it looks for forged degrees etc.)
Thus the final decision rests with the administration and can be expected:
for non-EU citizens: end of May
for EU citizens: beginning of July
Please do not contact us regarding the outcome of your application before these dates!
When does the program start?
What to do upon arrival in Kassel?
There will be an informative orientation meeting (the welcome workshop) before the official start of the semester. It is important that all students attend. At the orientation meeting you will have an opportunity to meet some of the professors involved in the program as well as your fellow students, both new and returning. We recommend to you that you arrive before the beginning of the semester so that you are able to organise housing and acclimatise yourself to the new environment before the program begins.
Advanced English language training is offered from the middle of September.
For further information relating to what you should do after your arrival please click the link: first steps after your arrival in Kassel
Is there student housing available?
Although the student service of the university (see link below) provides some accomodation for students, the department does not offer or guarantee student housing. Most students at the university live in privately run apartment buildings near the university, and there are usually apartments available. It is difficult but not impossible to find housing before you arrive, however it is fairly easy once you are here. We will try our best to assist you in finding a nice and cheap place for you in Kassel. Here are some helpful links, phone numbers and addresses:
Our local student service, "Studentenwerk", manages student housing: Website
Or Frau Otto; office hours: Mo. - Th. from 10.30 - 15.30 and Fr. from 9.30 - 12.30
Telephone: 0049 561 8042552
Another option for your first few days in Kassel is a special youth hostel for students and international travellers.
The address is: Jugendherberge Kassel, Schenkendorfstrasse 18, in Kassel
the phone number is: 0049 561 776465
email: jueka_wolfgmol[at]t-online[dot]de
The official website of our city http://www.kassel.de can also be useful in the search for accommodation,
where you will find tourist information and some helpful links.
Telephone: 0049 561 34054
Email: info[at]kassel[dot]de
Another oportunity is the "Mitwohnzentralle", a private office which offers housing in appartments where the owner leaves for some time and looks for temporary tenants (the advantage is that the appartments are usually furnished).
Telephone: 0049 561 774951
You are also encouraged to search for a room in our local media and newspapers, such as http://www.hna.de, which feature special links and lists for rooms and housing.
What about the language courses?
The Language Center of the University offers several language courses. German courses are free for students enrolled in a Social Sciences MA Program at Uni Kassel, but there is a limited number of places. For other languages there is a fee that ranges from 60-120 Euros per semester.
What about the costs?
The University of Kassel is a state funded institution which does not charge any tuition. Students have to pay only a registration fee of approximately 260 Euros per semester which covers free public transport within the region of Kassel, a free email account / library account, a discount in the university restaurants and reduced prices for most of the sport programs offered by the university. Living costs in Kassel for students are roughly 180-300 Euros for housing and 300-500 Euros for living expenses.
Does the University of Kassel offer any scholarships?
The department doesn't offer financial support or funding.
The following institutions do offer scholarships and can be contacted prior to your arrival in Kassel:
DAAD (DeutschAkademischerAustauschDienst)
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
Hans Böckler Stiftung
Heinrich Böll Stiftung
Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung
Konrad Adenauer Stiftung
Friedrich Naumann Stiftung
Evangelisches Studienwerk e.V.
Also consult the website: www.myStipendium.de which features the biggest database for scholarships in Germany.
What is the institutional TOEFL/TOE code for the University of Kassel?
The TOEFL codes relevant for the MA GPE program are:
University of Kassel: 9609
Department code: 89 (political science)
Please notify us by email if your test results are coming separately from your application package. The email address is magpe[at]uni-kassel[dot]de