


Tagungsprotokoll (German)


Christoph Görg (University of Kassel): Vulnerability and adaptation to climate change.

Goerg Vulnerability and Adaptation

Timothy Forsyth (London School of Economics and Political Science): Climate change and vulnerability: Perspectives of social sciences

Forsyth Climate change vulnerability

Kristina Dietz (Free University Berlin): Vulnerability and climate change from a north-south perspective: conceptions and approaches

Dietz Vulnerability and Climate Change from a North South perspective

Jörn Birkmann (UNU Bonn): Vulnerability Assessment, Risk Management and Adaptive Planning


Marta Bruno Soares (University of the West of Scotland): Vulnerability assessments

Marta Soares Vulnerability assessments

Torsten Grothmann (PIK, University of Oldenburg): Interviews and questionnaires as methods for assessing social dimensions of vulnerability. Experiences from five years in climate change vulnerability research

Grothmann Interviews as method for vulnerability assessment

Heike Köckler (University of Kassel): Vulnerability towards Climate Change. Input for discussion from an environmental justice perspective

Koeckler Vulnerability and Climate Justice

Jeanette Schade (University of Bielefeld): A role for human rights - Addressing social vulnerability to climate change. The case of migration

Schade Human Rights adressing vulnerability