Lightweight extension on existing buildings

summer semester 2024
event number | FB06.509
supervision | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Julian Lienhard
research associates | M. Sc. Georgia Margariti | M. Sc. Mobin Moussavi
Continuous climatic and socio-economic changes are challenging the way cities and urban areas will develop in the coming years. In view of the upcoming European climate targets for 2050, lightweight and adaptable solutions offer great potential for the expansion and repurposing of existing buildings. This can revitalize neighborhoods, improve quality of life and create environmentally friendly infrastructure at the same time. The project is part of the NHWaward 2024, which aims to revitalize the Unterneustadt and Bettenhausen districts and improve their connection to Kassel city centre.

This project studio aims to change the architectural scale with regard to a broader urban development concept. The students will be given a selected building to redesign and repurpose by adding a lightweight extension. Old and new are to coexist by integrating various functions that increase the vibrancy and productivity of the district.

In addition, the research studio and seminar will focus on the development of innovative and energy-efficient solutions. Students will study similar projects that have already been realized and receive guidance on sustainable practices that will ensure the long-term viability of their designs.