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The project PRONET (PROfessionalisierung durch VerNETzung) serves to professionalize future teachers at the University of Kassel. It is initially funded until the end of 2018, with around 5.6 million euros, by the initiative "Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung" of the BMBF . PRONET is divided into three fields of action, to which 33 sub-projects from the various teaching disciplines are currently assigned.

Subproject 7 and its objectives

Subproject 7 of vocational and business education is located in the first field of action. It is entitled "Profession-related support of L4 students taking into account heterogeneous entry requirements". 
The students of business education are characterized by a heterogeneous level of previous education, which is often accompanied by a lack of study ability and leads to high dropout rates. Subproject 7 now aims at improving the ability to study. By means of an open study entrance phase, the study competence and the choice of study program and profession are to be promoted. In this context, scientific work as well as competences of self and time management are strengthened. The open study entry phase introduced during the project period is characterized by assessments for self-assessment, individual forms of learning, scientific propaedeutic measures, learning counseling and mentoring, as well as a binding curriculum in the subjects and educational sciences. 



Schmidt, C. (2017). Opening university access for vocationally educated students: promoting study-relevant key competencies in the study entry phase using the example of the University of Kassel. In S. Seeber; J. Seifried & B. Ziegler (Eds.), Yearbook of vocational and business education research 2017. Opladen: Barbara Budrich, pp. 159-170. 


Lectures Prof. i.V. Dr. Christian Schmidt:

Vocationally educated students in the study entry phase: self-assessments of study ability. Paper presented at the   Annual Conference of the Section for Vocational and Business Education, October 25-27, 2017, Stuttgart, Germany.

Transitions from VET to University. Institutional challenges and changes from a neo-institutional perspective. Paper presented at the International VET Conference, August 16-19, 2017, Rostock, Germany.

Transitions from VET to University. Institutional challenges and changes from a neo-institutional perspective. Paper presented at the JVET 12th International Conference in Oxford, July 7-9, 2017.

The opening of university access: implications for teacher training for vocational schools. Paper presented at the    Annual Conference of the Section for Vocational and Business Education in Hamburg, September12-16, 2016.
