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Decision-oriented economics as an applied science makes a contribution to the optimization of business decision-making processes. The discipline of Taxation & Finance evaluates and critically examines various business decisions in a multifaceted and interdisciplinary way.

  • Starting from the choice of legal form (optimisation under tax, regulatory or refinancing aspects),
  • continuing with operational activities (tax calculation/optimisation, accounting and its design and analysis, cost awareness, management and measurement of operational risks, success retention, distributions or withdrawals)
  • until strategic issues of sustainable entrepreneurial growth, e.g. investment decisions in participations, projects or R&D (optimization and calculation of the NPV of a decision as well as the total enterprise value taking into account capital costs after taxes, risk aspects and risk diversification as well as the respective illustration incl. external impact of the business).

Exam inspection for BWL IIb from the WS 2023/2024

Date: April 30, 2024

Time: 10:00 to 12:00 (WITHOUT prior registration)

Room: Nora-Platiel-Str. 4, R 2105

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