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Interview with Prof. Leimeister in the Süddeutsche Zeitung on the topic of crowdworking and share economy
In the Süddeutsche Zeitung article "Digitale Tagelöhner - Wie das Netz die Arbeit verändert" (Digital day laborers - How the web is changing work) of March 13, 2015, Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister talks about the changes in work brought about by digital technologies and the new work concepts based on them, such as crowdworking. In this context, Prof. Leimeister discusses Internet platforms that act as intermediaries or mediators between client and employee in a two-sided market, and highlights the opportunities as well as the risks of the services provided by such platforms. The article in the Süddeutsche Zeitung is dedicated to the topics of share economy and crowdworking and addresses the resulting structural changes in the labor market.
You can find the article under the following link: Link to the article