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Brochure of the project "Challenge Cloud and Crowd" published
The brochure "Herausforderung Cloud und Crowd - Plattformen, Wert-schöpfungssysteme und Arbeit gestalten" of the project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research(BMBF) has now been published. The Department of Information Systems (Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister) at the University of Kassel is a partner in this project and is responsible for the sub-project on crowdworking platforms. The brochure offers current research results on cloud and crowd strategies in the digital economy. Well-known experts give their views on the current upheaval and the resulting challenges for companies. Among others, on page 17 of this publication Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister, Head of the Department of Information Systems, and Dr. Christoph Peters, Research Group and Project Manager. The brochure also provides key impetus for shaping the digital economy of tomorrow. It can be downloadedhere .