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Article "Future Work and Enterprise Systems" published in BISE

The journal"Business & Information Systems Engineering" (BISE) has published an article by Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister (together with Jan vom Brocke, Wolfgang Maaß, Peter Buxmann, Alexander Mädche and Günter Pecht) on"Future Work and Enterprise Systems". The journal BISE (formerly: "Wirtschaftsinformatik") is a renowned, bimonthly scientific journal and sees itself as the central organ of the German-speaking and European business informatics community. The contribution of the six authors in the "Discussion" section deals with the future of work as well as corresponding work systems. In it, Jan Marco Leimeister takes an in-depth look at the new form of work organization "crowdsourcing" and its implications for the future of work.

The article is available in Open Access here :