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Presentations by Ernestine Dickhaut and Sofia Schöbel at the Forum for Privacy Conference
On November 12 & 13 the meeting of the Forum for Privacy took place. The Department of Information Systems was represented there with two presentations. Ernestine Dickhaut presented her paper "Design patterns for the interdisciplinary design of legally compliant systems" as part of the AnEkA project (Requirements and design patterns for the legally compliant and quality-centered design of context-sensitive applications). Similarly, Sofia Schöbel presented a paper entitled "Nudged to Privacy? Design-oriented development of privacy nudges against the background of ethical and legal guidelines", which was developed in the context of the project Nudger together with an interdisciplinary consortium. After both presentations, Ernestine Dickhaut and Sofia Schöbel discussed current issues around the protection of private data in online environments with the respective presenters and other speakers.
The two papers presented were as follows:
Dickhaut, E.; Thies, L. F.; Janson, A.; Leimeister, J. M; Söllner, M. (2020): Design patterns for the interdisciplinary design of right-compatible systems. In: Forum Privatheit.
Schöbel, S.; Schomberg, S.; Barev, T. J.; Grote, T.; Janson, A.; Hornung, G. & Leimeister, J. M. (2020): Nudged to privacy? Design-oriented development of privacy nudges against the background of ethical and legal guidelines. In: Forum Privatheit.