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Information on the current Corona situation and our courses.
Dear students,
we are currently in very unusual times. Therefore, please find attached some important information for the coming semester from our chair:
- The courses of Mr. Teichmann (Compliance in Multinational Corporations) and Mr. Wenzel (Constructive Conflict Management) willnot take place at the scheduled time! We will inform you as soon as we have new information on this. We will make every effort to find solutions in a timely manner!
- The registration deadline for Bachelor theses at our chair issuspended for this semester ! If you would like to write a thesis at our chair, please contact the chair staff (Ms. Janssen / Mr. Vakilzadeh) by mail.
- Office hours: Please negotiate office hours individually and by mail with the respective reference person at our chair. The office hours will then take place virtually if necessary.
- The examination hours are cancelled for an indefinite period of time! Please understand that under the current situation we cannot guarantee any inspection .
Yours sincerely,
Your PersOrg-Team