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World Bank Paper on Remote Learning During COVID-19

EPIE group members Igor Asanov and Francisco Flores co-authored a new World Bank Policy Research Paper, in which they report findings on remote learning, student time use and mental health during the COVID-19 quarantine in Ecuador. Hard hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, Ecuador closed down all schools in March 2020, which forced students to turn to remote learning. A survey of over 1,500 high school students aged 14 to 18 was conducted as part of an ongoing joint project by INCHER-Kassel, HEC and ENSAE Paris, Warwick Business School, the World Bank’s research department and the government of Ecuador. The survey finds that 59 percent of the students have internet access at home and 74 percent engage in some remote learning. Most students have developed daily routines around education, but time use for working and household tasks differs by gender and wealth. Mental health scores indicate depression for 16 percent of the surveyed students.