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New publication: Söllner, M; Janson, A.; Rietsche, R. & Thiel de Gafenco, M. (2021). Individualization in vocational education through hybrid intelligence - potentials and limitations.

New publication: Söllner, M; Janson, A.; Rietsche, R. & Thiel de Gafenco, M. (2021). Individualization in vocational education through hybrid intelligence - potentials and limitations. In: Seufert, S.; Guggemos, J.; Ifenthaler, D.; Ertl, H. & Seifried, J. (Eds.): Artificial Intelligence in Vocational Education - Future of Work and Education with Intelligent Machines?!. Journal of vocational and business education - supplement (31). Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart. S 163-181.